I am sucking at staying up to date with this blog as of late. My life has been very busy working on that mural. Fortunately, we finished last week. You may be asking, "I wonder what this little lady would spend her money on?" I spent it on games, ya bootiful numb nuts! I regret nothing. Though, to be honest, I only spent a portion of it, not all of it. So don't you worry, I can still buy those sexy male strippers for my birthday.

That being said, one of the games I finally got my hands on was BioShock Infinite. I bought it Monday....beat it on Wednesday.....again, I regret nothing.
In regard to how I feel about BioShock Infinite:

I never particularly felt attached to BioShock before. Sure, I played them, and they were good (maybe not BioShock 2 so much) and Rapture was such an interesting concept despite my ever loving fear of water...but I would never say they were my favorite.
I can, without a doubt in my mind, say this game definitely is up there with my favorites. The storyline was AMAZING, the twists, the turns, the enemies, the vigors! (I can't decide which one was my favorite to use...a majority of them were just incredibly helpful.) My mind is blown at how damn fantastic this game is!
I can't forget to mention how beautiful everything looked. I would gladly move to Columbia...if it weren't run by warring factions of which are both equally evil and was not deteriorating in some ways. Columbia is what I imagine if Walt Disney decided to go even bigger and build a park in the sky. I bet him and Comstock would be BFFerz too. AMIRITE?!?!?
Lets get to the big reasons I enjoyed this game.

Of course, I love is Elizabeth. I wouldn't say I want to be her though. Her life sucked for the most part. She is a damsel in distress for most her life, up in her tower with her warden Songbird; but she is smart, savvy, and brave when she needs to be so I can appreciate that. Also, she is incredibly helpful in a majority of the fights.
Plus, that outfit she is sporting post haircut is just grade A.
I also really liked Booker. I don't have much to say on him though. He was so serious and tortured. His heart is big and that obviously shows when he interacts with Elizabeth, although you would not know he had one by his early actions. (If you dont know what I mean I will not spoil it for you...you need to go on this roller coaster of emotion yourself.)
But the two that intrigued me most???

The Lutece Twins. These two...were so weird. And I loved it. It is almost impossible to talk about them without giving anything away; but basically, the way they spoke to each other cracked me up and how they appeared at the most random of times is part of what entertained me so much about the game. Whenever they showed up you really needed to hear what they were saying because they only spoke in what seemed like riddles.
Basically, my mind is all in scrambles after beating this game. I really loved it and if you have not played it then you need to punch yourself in your downstairs business and acquire the game before I find you and basically reenact the entire game for you. Nobody wants that, so get the game.
I am now onto my next endeavor, Borderlands 2. I am already a whopping level 8. I know, I am playing in the big leagues now. So I will keep you posted on that. I am off for now, enjoy the beginning of May! Plant some flowers, sunbathe naked, let your freak flag fly and such. I leave you with this, the only thing that made me scream in all of Bioshock:
Happy gaming!
HI! Here I was searching for a cool pic to hang in my room when I saw this: "I don't know what to do, why hole brain is crying" with a single line in the description bar: Bioshock infinite and I thought "Gee, that's exactly what I felt! Let's see more about it!" So here I am reading your post and when I finaly finished it I just couldn't help but say it:
ReplyDelete"THIS IS JUST EXPLAINING MY EXPERIENCE WITH BIOSHOCK!" Absolutely adored your small review and I was wondering if I could add you in facebook or something. My best friends aren't into anyhing related to video games and let's not even talk about them not knowing what bioshock is (I know, it hurts) It's so hard to find somebody who shares your hobbies and such... To sum up: I would very much enjoy writing to you and sharing opinions and experiences. Oh, and I haven't introduced myself! My name is Yulia, nice to meet you
Hi Yulia, very nice to meet you! Thank you for enjoying my little review. I was just full of emotions and had to share haha. Im easily accessible on Steam if you have it and am always on there to chat and such. Always a pleasure meeting another gamer!