
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I Think I Have A KNACK for This (Get it?!?!?!)

Hello again gamers!!
     Hope you are enjoying your week so far.  I know I am! I ate french toast this morning. I am living the high life.
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    Anyways, I know last week my post was a bit more on the serious side (long live Elizabeth) and as promised, I bring you my feelings on a much lighter topic.  A little game called Knack.
     I must say, I really enjoyed this one.  The reviews on it are both good and bad, but I say it's fun.  I might like it more though because the creator of Spyro was involved in it and that game was my SHIT growing up.
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    Knack is one of those games that is really simple and you don't have to put TOO much thought into. And lets face it, sometimes we need that kind of game just because we are stressed or too tired.  
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     The concept is pretty cool. A main character made of relics that grows into a beast that destroys everything in its path.  The little version of you is adorable, but when you get as many relics as you can, you feel invincible.  Like nothing can stop you.
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    The cartoon feel to it is great too.  Reminds you ( least in my case) just to have fun with it.  You just run around and punch things.  That is IT.  And it's fantastic. Sure there is a storyline and stuff to collect (They are pretty forgettable.) But who cares!
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    One of my favorite things from the game though is actually the credits.  I don't know why I loved it so much.  I just sat there, watching with a big stupid smile on my face.
Knack has got the moves like Jagger AMIRITE?!?!
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   Honestly, there is not TOO much to say about this game.  It's just thoughtless and fun.  I suggest trying this one if you want to just tune out the world after a stressful day and don't really need to use your brain. 
Who needs a bubble bath these days when you have Knack! 
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   With that said, I am off to watch another episode of Hoarders. Guilty pleasures ya'll!
Another post will be on its way soon! And as always:

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