
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wait...Guys...Im Still Here!

Hello lovely gamers! Im back!
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    It's been a lonnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time, has it not?  The reason I have not been writing so much is because I simply just had no motivation for it.  That and because I killed my precious laptop in a horrible pink lemonade accident and have been mourning its loss.
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  So now that I have finished grieving, I am writing to you from my wonderful desktop computer.  Ignore the fact that I have been using it since December or whatever.... (it has really been that long?!?)
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  You must be wondering what games I have been playing in this long absence.  WELL, let me start by saying, I have pretty much been all over the place.  I, of course, will never abandon my love for Borderlands 2 so it goes without saying that has been my go to.
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   Outside of that, I have played Left 4 Dead 2 every once and a while and am always looking for people to play as the Infected with (only if you don't take it TOO seriously!)  In addition to that, I played Alice: Madness Returns..again. And I believe some LIMBO when I was bored. OH and part 2 of Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea which I will eventually write about.
( Honorable mentions here include Castle Crashers, Braid, Fez RABBLE RABBLE GAMES RABBLE RABBLE.)
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    Out of all of these, the big two that I played are Grand Theft Auto V and Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag.  So let us get right into it!
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  GTA V:  I went into this game without a clue as to what I was doing because I had never played any of the other Grand Theft Autos.  This one intrigued me with its online aspect so I said WHY NOT and got it.  Let me tell you, I was not disappointed.  If you don't like crude humor know...killing people...usually with your vehicle... like there is no tomorrow (ONLY IN GAMES...DON'T KILL PEOPLE YA NORMAN BATES WEIRDO)
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then this game will most likely not be for you.
    It was a very entertaining game. I won't say it is one of my favorites, but I would highly recommend it to the two people that have not played it yet.  I think we all know one of the main reasons the story line was so enjoyable.
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    TREVOR PHILIPS.  What a whack job in the best way possible. I don't even know how to properly explain this man.  My best bet would be to call him beautifully psychotic.  He is the kind of person you love to watch from a farrrr distance but if you knew him in person you probably would be scared for your life every minute of every day.  Don't get me wrong, the story is great and the use of 3 main playable characters is a truly wonderful concept to me.  Franklin and Michael are cool too...but, without Trevor, I don't think the game would have been as popular as it is if he wasn't a part of it.  Unless you just like to shoot things....then I guess that doesn't matter and that would also make me concerned about your mental health.
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   Another reason the game is fantastic: the online world that comes with it.  Create your own character, get an awesome car, build a crew, and just go for it.  It comes with plenty of missions and random jobs (such as a parachuting) if you don't really want to just drive around and have shoot outs with other members in your server.  Although....that is pretty fun when you get someone that's fairly even in rank to you.  You can also earn money and buy apartments or cars...or be lame and go on the internet and pay for that GTA money instead.
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    I suggest that when you do play online, you play with your friends.  That way, you have a better success rate in missions and survivals and such.  Or, you just laugh a little harder when you accidentally kill them in a  robbery. But seriously guys, try out GTA V if you have not yet. That's all I can truly say about it.
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   Moving on!  Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag...was much better than Assassins Creed III which I will say I refuse to even act like it happened because it made me so mad (my post about it at the the time was fairly positive, which I have since changed my mind.)  I might be a bit biased though because I FUCKING LOVE PIRATES.
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 But still....a good time!
  The character was more likable...because that's what happens when you stick more so with the Ezio formula.  The maps and missions were more enjoyable and the assassinations were more creative and entertaining.  For the life of me I can't even remember a fun assassination in AC3. The story itself was nice and kept you interested in what would happen next.  The ship battles and sailing was great and was so beautifully done.  I LOVED sailing, which is ironic because as you may know, Im horrified of the ocean or large bodies of water..even in video games.

   I fast traveled as little as possible just because I had so much fun with it.  And those times when the humpback whales would make an appearance were tear inducing.  At least until you had to harpoon them and the other sea creatures..which then brought me nothing but fear induced screaming.
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  There were some downsides though.  The ending of the story, at least in my eyes, was so abrupt and disappointing.  I think they wanted some kind of emotional farewell to those we met through out the game followed closely by a scene that's supposed to make us go "uhhhh wait...what?!?!" All I felt the WHOLE time was confusion.  This is how you are going to end the game...really??
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   The modern day you is so damn lame.  You don't even speak. You don't have a face. You're just a POV and nothing more.  I hate to say it...but I miss the Desmond aspect of it.  Not so much Desmond himself...especially Desmond in AC3.  I hope that in the next game (which is taking place during the French Revolution. ITS FRANCE YA'LL!) they somehow develop the modern story line a little better.
That's not my only issue with the game.  If you are somehow still currently playing this game, let me give you a little piece of advice: if you think that collecting all those post it notes with encrypted messages on them will give you anything in the end.  You're wrong.  Sure you'll get the messages on them and can read all of them perfectly in order...but that's it.  That and a headache.
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  Honestly Assassins Creed IV, you had so much potential and I was ready to give you back my heart after the pain it went through with AC3.  You just stomp on it and act like what we had wasn't something special.  You're a cruel mistress...but damn it I will still play you.
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   Overall, I would say the game was good, but the series has not fully won me back yet.  Let's see what the next one has to offer.
   That about wraps it up lovelies.  I would LOVE to hear what you, the world, has to say about any of the games I mentioned.  Feel free to comment or share! I shall try to write more for you guys, but make your appearance known so I know I am not just writing for myself! I must be off...a cup of tea is calling out to me.

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